Wildfire Ink and a flame logo

Creating Heat

WILDFIRE INK is a completely independent comic book label and publisher of the written word. We are three industry pros (and the best of friends) who decided to finally run stuff our way. We strive to grow a community and inspire others through our output. Let's take comics back to what it was really all about.

The Power of Three

The three of us (personal introductions below) have been working in the comic book industry for the better part of a decade. This teaser site showcases our upcoming projects for the full release of our digital platform later this year. Each of us come together with years of experience as creators, editors, facilitators, publishers and more to push WILDFIRE INK through the proving grounds of the industry. We haven't merely founded a company together—we're igniting a movement.

Three handsome men sitting at a table with food

Team Wildfire enjoying breakfast out. NYC, Aug 2024.

Michael Sanchez

CEO / Not Not a Deity

Michael Sanchez

CEO / Not Not a Deity

According to the police reports I’ve been missing since the late 1600’s. It’s fine. I have a wig.

Long story short, I’m a writer. I got the bug really early in life and I've been writing for myself (and for others) ever since. In college I made a small name for myself for being “crazy” and “prone to bouts of crying.” I also made fast friends with a number of writing professors. Somehow that led to me spending a decade-ish with an immensely close friend and partner who helped create Scout Comics. Did they have to give me the title of Editorial Director for a time? No, but they did so anyway. I founded and helped edit several of their first books and while that particular story did eventually come to a new phase, I still had the bug. So here I am the CEO of my very own company. I want to build stories and careers and help the next crazy person find their way through the massive door that is “storytelling.”

Michael Sanchez
Four manga-styled characters against a halftone background


In Thunder, Carol Theria and her friends are thrust into a world of chaos when Kronos, an ancient Titan, reignites the age of gods! Trapped in the towering Zarith Building, each floor is a new, electrifying challenge. Carol unleashes her super strength and lightning powers, Nate masters telekinesis and aura-based abilities, Barbara transforms into a fierce dragon, and Franklin bends gravity to his will. Together, they must navigate mind-bending zones, rescue Carol's best friend Ana, and face off against powerful enemies. It's a pulse-pounding, action-packed adventure where every moment counts. Can they conquer their fears, evolve their powers, and defeat Kronos? Dive into the storm and find out in Thunder—where heroes are born in the heat of battle!

In Michael's words

Have you ever been punched in the face but loved it…? No? That's normal and safe and OK. No judgments. I want to give that to you anyway. Thunder came from yet another opportunity where I was tasked with creating something that was akin to a Superman or Wonderwoman. I love many of those stories, but that’s not the bag I'm raccoon-scraping through. I’ve got a deep, deep love for classic anime and a new appreciation for office work. So I smashed them both together in the most violent and funny way possible. Inspired by the death game genre (think Battle Royale, Hunger Games and the like), Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Belko Experiment. I spent years finding the right puzzle pieces to make that story come to life. You guys. This is gonna be so fun.

Jordan Di Renzo

COO / Pro Artist / Dungeon Master
Jordan Di Renzo

Jordan Di Renzo

COO / Pro Artist / Dungeon Master

When I was creating this character I rolled high for my DEX and nothing else.

I'm a lover of fantasy novels, manga, D&D, and Warhammer. My greatest passion is telling stories, so I turned what I love into what I do. I graduated from SCAD in 2017 and have been working in comics full-time ever since. I've illustrated titles such as DISCIPLE, Razor Wire McGuire, and Prometheus in Chains. Maybe next time I'll roll higher on my INT and play some kinda healer but for now I'm having fun with this character. I wonder where the next roll of the dice will take me.

My backup character is halfling druid named Yolo Swaggins.


Deep into the land of Ogre Country, where dangers never sleep, a young magi named Prilla undertakes a perilous journey to discover the meaning behind her visions of disaster. But she is not alone, for a chance meeting with the mighty Tolgar will change the course of her destiny forever.

In this dark fantasy epic, the only way to alter the fate of the world is to unlock the mysteries of the past, and the only way to survive is to eat or be eaten.

In Jordan's words

Fantasy, in it's purest form, is an escape. Fairy tales filled with dragons and ogres serve to break our bonds from the prison of modernity and set free our imaginations. OGYRI is the culmination of all the things that inspired me to become an artist in first place—a modern fairy tale about love and war, enchantment and horror, destiny and defiance. I hope this story connects with people the same way it's connected with me, and I'm beyond excited to share this new adventure with every reader looking for their next great escape.

A manga-styled illustration of an imposing ogre

Tyler Villano Maron

CCO / Creative Director / Net Culture Scholar

T. M. Vilani

CCO / Creative Director / Net Culture Scholar

Born and raised in New England, the domain of much folklore and haunting, all things gothic naturally appealed to me. So that's the sort of stuff I write about, taking much inspiration from music and film. I spend an egregious amount of time online and read too much manga. Also really into lost media youtube essays.

My published work include co-writer and co-creator on SF miniseries Oswald and the Star-Chaser, and for lettering: Junior: Dark Stone, Patty and Laz, Star-Chaser again, and…all three forthcoming WILDFIRE INK launch titles. I need more coffee.

Tyler Villano Maron
A manga-styled illustration of a young woman extending her hand

Alice Down Below

Alexander Lagace's depressing adolescence takes a drastic turn when he awakens drenched and gasping in a lake after falling from the darkness above. Skeptical, Alex peers into the water, reflecting a confident woman with short bleach-blonde hair and punky attire—who Alexander recognizes all too well as Alice, his self-described “real me.” Following an attack by ghastly creatures, an eccentric white-haired youth named Jayde comes to her aid and explains they're in the Down Below, a purgatory for those who've lost the will to live, wherein one's true persona is cast down while their given body remains above ground. Jayde lets slip that whoever collects all sixteen playing cards will become the champion of the Down Below; Alice finds it a better alternative to wandering aimlessly for all eternity.

In Tyler's words

A partner once told me to be true to myself, to accept and to act as my real self. Who is that and what if they are a terrible person? Is everyone innately good and just on the inside? That is the foundation of this story which fought with me and struggled to break free over the course of two years when I tried to write anything else. It was born from ruminations on human identity and my fascination with the unknown and unseen.

Inspired by Lewis Carroll's original work, Alice Down Below is my first foray into longform storytelling. I am grateful to be writing it in the presence of two innovative storytellers. Perhaps they will bring out the best in me and my book about a bunch of sad kids. Please look forward to it!

A manga-style image of a sad young woman

The Feed

Wildfire is growing.

This isn't a newsletter. You won't get spam. The only email you'll recieve is when we've got WILDFIRE INK ready to launch. If you're into us, then sign up. Or don't. I'm website copy set in 22pt Neulis Sans, not some dictator.